Monday, October 27, 2014



ITA: ed eccoci con i risultati del sondaggio! Son rimasta piacevolmente sorpresa, sia dai commenti che dal risultato finale :3 Specialmente all'inizio i voti erano ben distribuiti, poi la roscia ha preso il sopravvento! E poi mi chiedono perché faccio così spesso ragazze dai capelli rossi..ehehehe :p 
Questo è stato un esperimento, più avanti probabilmente ci saranno altri sondaggi, sia per sondare un po' di più i vostri gusti, sia per chiedere il vostro parere su alcuni making of ^^ Grazie a chi ha votato intanto! 

ENGL: and here we're with the final results! I was pretty surprise about the final drawing winner! Anyway this was only an experiment and more polls are coming :3 see you soon! 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


ITA: okei, visto la possibilità che da Google+ di far sondaggi, voglio sfruttarla un po' per capire meglio i gusti di chi mi segue :3 Quindi cliccando nell'immagine sottostante verrete indirizzati a questo nuovo sondaggio, che rimarrà aperto fino alla fine della settimana!
In fondo al post, vi lascio anche il link alla playlist con i 5 video/disegni presenti tra le scelte, così se non li avete visti o non ve li ricordate potete facilmente rivederveli senza andarli a cercare nel mio canale!
A presto :D 

ENG: and here we go, with another poll! Click on the image to know what I'm talking about and chose your favorite option :3


Monday, October 20, 2014


And the winner is...

ITA: Grazie a tutti quelli che hanno votato nel sondaggio :3 

ENG: Thanks a lot to anyone who voted in the poll :3 

Friday, October 17, 2014


ITA: allora, prima di tutto, se cliccate l'immagine qui sopra verrete indirizzati direttamente su un sondaggio che ho aperto ieri sulla mia pagina Google+! Riguarda la nuova grafica del canale YT e vorrei che mi aiutaste a scegliere :3 Quindi se non l'avete fatto, votate! 

Secondo, ma non meno importante, sono tra le vincitrici del CONTEST di AEON!! YEAH! Cliccando QUI potrete vedere il disegno che ho presentato e tutte le info per conoscere anche Angela Vianello, autrice di AEON. Me felicia!

ENG: first of all, click on the image above and you'll direct to a pole opened yesterday on mu Google+ Page! If you haven't voted yet, do it! (please <3)
Then, I'm one of winners of THIS CONTEST! I'm really happy! :D 

Saturday, October 4, 2014


ITA: quelli che di voi che mi seguono anche su FB già lo sapranno (sempre se, nonostante lo SPAM continuo di questi giorni, almeno UN POST è arrivato nelle vostre bacheche -.- ), comunque ho deciso di chiudere la pagina, e di utilizzare piuttosto un profilo pubblico per condividere i miei lavori ma anche i miei momenti di delirio personale (yeaaaaaaaah...non siete felici?).

Cavolate a parte, se avete il FacciaLibro, potete aggiungermi come "amico", oppure semplicemente "seguirmi". Cambia poco, visto che comunque tutti i post saranno impostati su "pubblici", quindi saranno visibili a tutti. Ovviamente seguendomi avrete la certezza di veder apparire sulla vostra home i miei post, al contrario di quanto accadeva con la pagina, dove era il signor Mark a decidere a chi andava il privilegio e a chi no >.>
Quindiii, se non l'avete ancora fatto, FATELO! A presto :3 

ENG: Helloooo! I decide to close my FB PAGE and, instead of it, open a PUBLIC PROFILE whereon I'll post all my works :3
So, if you'd like to see my drawings also on FB, just add me as a "friend" on this profile.
See you soon :3 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


ITA: e sono usciti i semifinalisti! Ed il mio lavoro c'è! :D Tutti i disegni son stati divisi per categorie, principalmente usando l'età come discriminante, e io sono nella categoria delle vecchiette. Parlo al femminile, perché siamo 5 donne a quanto pare :p Ora invierò il file in alta risoluzione ad Angela, e verrà deciso il vincitore finale! :)

ENGL: and I'm one of the finalist! Now I have to sent the file in high resolution for the final decision! :D


Monday, September 29, 2014



Program: GIMP 2.8 
Tablet: Intuos4 Wacom Tablet 
Date of first pubblication: September 24, 2014

ORIGINAL ANIME&CHARACTER © Angela Vianello (Gumitien on Youtube)
Art by Raffaella Renzulli (PintaMiMundo)
DOWNLOADDeviantART - MiniTokyo - Newgrounds


So, after two years, I made again a fanart of Angela Vianello's work. The first one was this: WHITE LIGHT
For this work I used an image as pose reference, and I made a quickly research in Google Image to have an idea for the dress. 
In the video you can see all the process from the sketch to the final retouch. Let me know what you think about. See ya :3

Friday, September 12, 2014

Lost in Darkness - Balance the Armony [ITA]

Programma: GIMP 2.8 
Tablet: Intuos4 Wacom Tablet 
Prima data di pubblicazione: 12 ottobre 2014

Personaggio © Snow Whole
Art by Raffaella Renzulli (PintaMiMundo)
DOWNLOADDeviantART - MiniTokyo - Newgrounds


Questo lavoro, seppur nella sua semplicità, ha riscosso un successo (niente di eccezionale eh XD) che non mi sarei aspettata.
Di per sé il disegno è nato ispirato da un personaggio creato dal gestore del sito Balance the Armony, per cui ho curato la grafica. 
Lei è la protagonista della storia "conduttrice" del sito e, per come me l'ha descritta l'autore, in realtà, l'avevo immaginata ignuda
Ora, per non incorrere in problematiche e non vedermi censurare e/o cancellare tutto il lavoro per oscenità, ho deciso di vestirla.
E quindi ho dovuto pensare a COME vestirla. 
Devo dire che all'inizio ero piuttosto indecisa, poi giocando sui veli "fluttuanti" della gonna e sulla trama a merletto, il risultato finale mi ha soddisfatto.
Per il resto, i colori scelti sono abbinati a quelli utilizzati e richiesti per la grafica del sito, e sono stati in parte una sfida, essendo io principalmente un'amante dei colori caldi.
Che altro dire, eccola qui!
Commenti e condivisioni son sempre ben accette :p
Alla prossima!

ps: per onor di cronaca, alla fine, in Minitokyo hanno inserito il disegno nella categoria ECCHI ( che non è visibile a chi non è iscritto al sito), perché la scollatura è troppa esposta. 

...prossima volta me ne frego, almeno se devono essere considerati ecchi, che lo siano davvero >.>

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Silvers Rayleigh - ONE PIECE [ENG]

APRIL 19, 2014

Program: GIMP 2.8
Tablet: Intuos 4 Wacom Tablet 

Silvers Ryleigh- One Piece - is © Eiichiro Oda
Art by Raffaella Renzulli (PintaMiMundo)

DOWNLOADDeviantART - MiniTokyo

This is the drawing for the 100th subscribed on my Youtube Channel!
He asked me to draw Silvers Rayleigh from One Piece. 
I never draw since now this character, so I used an official art as reference and I re-draw it with a mixer of the original style and mine.

Hope you like it!

ps: AH, the texture is THIS

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

SHANI - The world of Lùmina [ENG]


Program: GIMP 2.8
Tablet: Intuos 4 Wacom Tablet 
Date of first publication: MAY 16, 2014

Shani - The World of Lùmina - is © Emanuele Tenderini e Linda Cavallini
Art by Raffaella Renzulli (PintaMiMundo)

DOWNLOADDeviantART - MiniTokyo

This work was born in order to help the comic's creators to reach the goal on indiegogo campain (and they made it!) and to enjoy the Trinquette Weekly Challenge about it :)

The character is SHANI, and you can know alla about her, in the Lùmina Project page!

It's a simple work, made in one evening.
The part who gave me more trouble was hair, as usual :p

Enjoy the drawing and find more about this comic on the FB page!

Friday, August 29, 2014


Hello :3 
The title should be give an idea about the topic of this post :p
So, I'm going to graduate in college and I need to concentrate ALL my energies for this important target.

For this reason probably in next weeks, I'll not post anything NEW here, on YT or FB.
But I'll not stop to drawing andd be sure that when I'll come back, I'll fill you with a lot of new things and love <3
So, wish me luck, and see you soon :D

Il titolo dovrebbe darvi un'idea sull'argomento di questo post :p
Sto per laurearmi, e tra ultimo esame e tesi, ho bisogno di concentrare tutte le mie energie su questo obiettivo, per riuscire a far tutto entro le date stabilite.
Chiunque di voi si sia già laureato, sa bene di cosa parlo :p

Per questa ragione sia il blog, che FB che YT non verranno aggiornati. 
O meglio, ogni tanto potrei far capolino, presa dalla sconforto delle 10000 citazioni da inserire nella tesi, per fare un saluto, ma ovviamente sarò molto meno presente.

Questo non vuol dire che smetterò totalmente di disegnare, visto che per me il disegno è il miglior antistress che la natura mi ha dato, ma che vedrete tutti i vari lavori solo più avanti :)

Quindi, auguratemi buona fortuna >.<  e ci "vediamo" tra qualche settimana, laureata e felice (spero) :D

Thursday, August 28, 2014



Program: GIMP 2.8 
Tablet: Intuos4 Wacom Tablet 
First date of pubblication: July 12, 2012

ORIGINAL ANIME&CHARACTER © Angela Vianello (Gumitien on Youtube)
Art by Raffaella Renzulli (PintaMiMundo)
DOWNLOADDeviantART - MiniTokyo - Newgrounds

And here we go, with another old work :3
This was made two years ago, for a contest on YT.
The subject is Giada, the main character of this homemade anime, called WHITE.

In these 2 years, Angela Vianello managed to publish a manga from this project (AEON) and she has published just few days ago a new contest, so probably you'll see a new fanart of ones of her characters in next weeks :3

Enjoy also the video, and see you soon! 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Futuristic Lover [ENG]


Program: GIMP 2.8 
Tablet: Intuos4 Wacom Tablet 
First date of pubblication: January 30, 2012

Art by Raffaella Renzulli (PintaMiMundo)

DOWNLOADDeviantART - MiniTokyo - Newgrounds

The idea for this work was really old, and it come in my mind after I saw the Katy Perry Music Video “Futuristic Lover – E.T.”. 
I liked song, but more than that I liked the music video, with that strange dresses and make up!
That time I would like to made a manga/anime version of Katy, and I also made some sketches on the paper, but at the end I gave up.

Fews weeks later, I found this scan .

The pose was perfect, and so I decided to use it as reference to draw the initial sketch; after that I re-watched many times the K.P. Music Video, and finally I finished all the concept!
Anyway you could see all this passages in the speedrawing video :3

To made the background I followed this tutorial

Actually it is a photoshop tutorial, but I hadn’t any problem to use it in Gimp :)
I only had to pick others stock images, since the ones he linked aren’t free to use :( (you could find all the images that I used above this description).

Well, I hope that you’ll like it, comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Shh...this is my world! [ENG]

Program: GIMP 2.8 
Tablet: Intuos4 Wacom Tablet 
Date of first pubblication: July 28, 2012

Art by Raffaella Renzulli (PintaMiMundo)

DOWNLOADDeviantART - MiniTokyo - Newgrounds

This was one of the biggest and most difficult work I've ever made.
For different reasons, all the process was 23 weeks long! Obviously, because I made progress little by little, because I was pretty busy in that period, but I didn't want to give up!

A lot of people helped me and enjoyed the process on Minitokyo Forum ( TOPIC 1 - 2 - 3 ) and then on DeviantART, when I posted step by step the process and then I collected all in this image: MAKING OF .

It was really an hard work, for the amount of details and for subjects. 
I enjoyed expecially making her jewelry, the various fishes and the lights effect. I rather hated to do turtles >.> But I like how they turned out! They just killed me a litte ù.ù

Here some details of this drawing:

References used: a lot of images, from MiniTOKYo gallery and from Goggle images (for fishes, corall, turtles, ect ect)

COMMENTs are always welcome :)

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Sweet Dream [ENG]



Program: GIMP 2.8 
Tablet: Intuos4 Wacom Tablet 
Date of first publication: September 12, 2012

Art by Raffaella Renzulli (PintaMiMundo)

DOWNLOADDeviantART - MiniTokyo - Newgrounds

:3 Someone knows that this work was born for the "DRAW THIS AGAIN" challenge on DA. 
Rules of contest were simple: re-drawing an old work made before, using your improvement skills.
So, I decided to re-draw this work: Fairy
At the end I can't finish it in time for the daedline (I'm tooooo slow!) , but I decided to continue and finish it anyway, and the final risult is this :)

It was pretty funny to do: some of ispiration came from AVATAR, the Cameron's film of course. 

About the dress I was inspired by some CLAMP's works. 
At the end it came to be an unique piece, pretty different from the old one :3

I don't have more else to say, all the process is recording in the video (more or less), so you can watch it to have an idea about how this work came out step by step :3

COMMENTS are always welcome! 

Friday, August 15, 2014

I'm here for you - VIDEO GIRL AI [ENG]

Program: GIMP 2.8 
Tablet: Intuos4 Wacom Tablet 
Date of first publication: January 17, 2012

Ai Amano – Video Girl Ai © Masakazu Katsura
Art by Raffaella Renzulli (PintaMiMundo)

DOWNLOADDeviantART - MiniTokyo - Newgrounds

That time I chose to do an Ai fanart/wall, because I saw that the few works about this serie are really old, and I want to share a little of love for this beatiful manga, that proably most of people don't know, since it's really old (the first publication was in 1987 if I rememeber it right...).

The idea to made Ai in kimono cames from this scan and some of the ispiration come from this other one.
The idea of background instead come little by little, and until the end I changed it a lot of times.

Since the process was really, I did this image to show you all steps :)

1. Sketch. I started sketching the pose, using as reference an illustration from one of Sky Doll's artbook.
 Then I sketched the kimono, hair and background.

2. Base colours. I chose warm ones for kimono and grey version of hair, between the other ones ( there are Ai's illustrations when she has blond, white and also pink hair o.o )

3. Eyes. The first thing I worked on is her face; especially her eyes. I spent more than one hour type of shadows/lights effects, and finally I came out with this result! (and I like it :p )

4. Kimono and Hair. Shadows, shadows and shadows! It was really a hard work, especially hair, since Ai has this strange cut hair style >.<
5. Ninfee Pattern. I added a floral pattern, designed by me, on kimono. I worked it with "IWarping" distorting GIMP's effect, in order to follow all kimono's folds.

6. Background. I started to work on background, using some images of japanese houese as reference, to obtain the final one.

7. Pattern on backgrounds. And so I finished the background! I used two pattern from Gimp Paint Studio Packet to give a more realistic look :3

8. Night Light. At this point I made the night light effect! Actually, it's just a level filling with #7178aa colour, and setting on "Fusion" Mode :p

9. Grass. I tried to give a more prospective effect, making different sizes of grass. No particular brushes used, just the default one. 

10. Fireflies. The last touch :3 

What else could I write?...welll obsviously I hope you like it, and COMMENTs are always welcome :)
See ya

Ai Amano – Video Girl Ai © Masakazu Katsura
Art by Raffaella Renzulli ( PintaMiMundo )

Thursday, August 14, 2014

FLOWERS WALL - Howl's Moving Castle [ENG]


Program: GIMP 2.6
Tablet: volito -wacom [really oooold model]
Other instruments: Texture - Brushes - Pattern1 - Pattern2 - Pattern3
First Date of publication: SEPTEMBER 18, 2011

Howl Jenkins&Sophie- Howl Moving Castle - is © Diana Wynne Jones
Totoro - My Neighbor Totoro - is © Studio Ghibli
Art by Raffaella Renzulli (PintaMiMundo)

DOWNLOADDeviantART - MiniTokyo

Okei, here we go!
Actually this is a commission: an Howl and Sophie FanArt made in order to be the cover of the “Flowers Wall” fanfiction written by my friend Marge :3
Unfortunately the fanfiction is only in Italian :( 

Per gli italiani, si trova qui:
Richiede la registrazione per leggerla perché in alcuni capitoli il rating è rosso, ma niente di pornografico o violento, davvero! :p E vale la pena leggerla!

Back in english ù.ù
So, Marge asked me to drawing a scene that often appears in her fanfiction: Howl and Sophie in the magician’s bedroom, with obviously a shy Sophie and narcissist Howl :3
So the first problem is the Howl’d bedroom: anyone who knows the Miyazaki film or the original book, he/she knows how this bedroom have to be.

Actually in Marge fanfiction something are different, so I decided to try to do hybrid between the “old” howl’s bedroom and the “new” howl’s bedroom descripted by her.

For old bedroom I used a screenshoot of Miyazaki film, for new bedroom I tried to use my fantasy and actually different reference images for some objects.
One of the more “useful” image was an official art of  FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST.
Then I mixed all these elements and the final result is this :D

I hope you like it, comments and suggestions are always welcome ^_^
Ah, there is a little intruder in this drawing, can you find him/her? :3

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Summer Time [ENG]

AUGUST 25, 2011

Program: GIMP 2.6
Tablet: volito wacom tablet
Brushes - Pattern - Drawing Water Tutorial  

Art by Raffaella Renzulli (PintaMiMundo)

DOWNLOADDeviantART - MiniTokyo

Hello everybody :3
This drawing was made to enjoy two contest, 3 years ago:
The contest and the MangaCaffè Contest , both closed (obviously :p ).

The rules of the first one asked to drawing an original character in a japanese school uniform and with an object in her/his hands.
Instead the subject of MangaCaffè Contest was "WATERMELON".

And so, combining all these parametres, the final idea that come in my mind was one of anime's cliché: "breaking watermelon with a wood sword on the beach during summer holiday" :D

The first sketch was made in few hours, then I spent three days to finish it, and I had to "hurry" because I've just finished it 40 minutes before the MangaCaffè Contest was closed XD 

Anyway this is the final result :3
Comments are always welcome! ^_^

Sunday, August 10, 2014


And here we're, with the first post about a WORK in PROGRESS (WIP).
After the release of the first Sailor Moon Crystal's episode, I decided that I had to do a fanart about this anime.

Sailor Moon and the other senshi are ones of first characters I've ever drawn in my life!

Since I'm out, I haven't got my tablet with me, so I'll probably finish this work in autumnAnyway, this is a little sample of the style I'm using to do it!

I'm very excited to draw, once again, these girls and for this reason I want to share with you the "work in progress" little by little :3 

On my FB page I'll post bigger previews, so by sure to follow me also on my page <3

Saturday, August 9, 2014

BREAK TIME - Yoko Littner from Toppa Gurren Lagann [ENG]


Program: GIMP 2.6
Tablet: volito -wacom [really oooold model]
Other instruments: Texture - Brushes

Date of first publication: MAY 16, 2011

Mato Kuroi - BRS - is © Huke
Miku Hatsune - Vocaloid -is © Pompeu Fabra University and Yamaha Corporation
Art by Raffaella Renzulli (PintaMiMundo)

DOWNLOADDeviantART - MiniTokyo

This drawing was born for two reasons: one of my friend asked me a Yoko Fanart wallpaper for his birthday, and then on YouTube an Italian guy opened a drawing contest, where the subject is "lights/shadows".
The first sketch was made on paper, then I finished it on pc and I colored it with my Gimp 2.6 :3
You can see all the process on the video ^^

I hope you like it, comments are welcome like usual! :D

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Mechanical Heart [ENG]


Program: GIMP 2.8 
Tablet: Intuos4 Wacom Tablet 
Date of first publication: AUGUST 7, 2014

Art by Raffaella Renzulli (PintaMiMundo)

DOWNLOADDeviantART - MiniTokyo

Hi there! 
This will be the first original/new work posted on this blog *.*
Anyway, I made the original drawing some years ago (maybe in 2006).
It was a simple work made on paper with pencil and a black pen :3
I'm talking about this drawing: Cuore Meccanico .

After all this time, I decide to digitalize it!
And so, I painted over it, to create this piece :3
I worked a lot on lights and shadows, and I hope you'll appreciated it!

Let me know what you think about it, and feel free to share!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Good Night, Last Night - Miku Hatsune and Black Rock Shooter [ENG]


Program: GIMP 2.6
Tablet: volito -wacom [really oooold model]
Other instruments: Texture - Brushes

Date of first publication: MARCH 22, 2011

Mato Kuroi - BRS - is © Huke
Miku Hatsune - Vocaloid -is © Pompeu Fabra University and Yamaha Corporation
Art by Raffaella Renzulli (PintaMiMundo)

DOWNLOADDeviantART - MiniTokyo

This wallpaper has a looog story. Firstable, this work is a birthday's present for Jacopo, a friend of mine :3 
He loves both characters of Miku and BRS, and so, for this reason, I decided to do a crossover wallpaper.
But since these characters had 2 totally different designs, I decided to draw both with my own style.

I use this Chobits' scan " Missing you " like reference for the pose, and the I started to draw Miku and BRS directly on GIMP 2.6, using a lot of pen tools -.- (in 2011 I didn't own the Intuos Wacom Tablet that I have now).
It was a really loong work, especially hair of both girls gave me an hard time :p 

Let me know, with a comment, what you think about it :D