Here you can find all posts sorted by different sections!
This page will be constantly updated :)

Sections are in alphabetical order; posts are in date of publication order. Click on post's title to see drawings/videos.

ABOUT THIS SECTION: in each post you can find one or more drawings or comics about animals.



ABOUT THIS SECTION: in each post you can find one or more drawings about anime/manga world.

ABOUT THIS SECTION: in each post you can find one or more drawings about the most famous females' Disney characters!

ABOUT THIS SECTION: in each post you can find one or more drawings about characters from greek mythology.

ABOUT THIS SECTION: in each post you can find a video and/or an image about "how to do" somenthing or a REVIEW of a particular device.

ABOUT THIS SECTION: in each post you can find one or various drawings in which one colour is the predominant one!

ABOUT THIS SECTION: in each post you can find all works that don't fit in other sections.

ABOUT THIS SECTION: in each post you can find portraits and/or iperealistic art!

ABOUT THIS SECTION: in each post you can find one or more drawings about sea/ocean world.

    ABOUT THIS SECTION: in each post you can find art about superheroes.

    ABOUT THIS SECTION: in each post you can find various drawings about videogames world.

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